
Quick Overview

PROVIRON Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 25 mg/tablet Packaging: 100 tablets Form: tablets Bioactive Agent: Mesterolone Half-life: ~12 hours Category: anabolic-androgenic steroids (aas) Dosage: 25-75 mg/day   Information: Proviron reduces the ability of musc ...
60.00 €
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Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals
Type: Oral
Unit dosage: 25 mg/tablet
Packaging: 100 tablets
Form: tablets
Bioactive Agent: Mesterolone
Half-life: ~12 hours
Category: anabolic-androgenic steroids (aas)
Dosage: 25-75 mg/day


Proviron reduces the ability of muscle oestrogen receptors to bind with oestrogens. This decrease the levels of active estrogen on cycling doses. It also affects the aromatase enzyme which as a result preventing it from binding to testosterone hence reduced oestrogen production. Therefore there is less fluid retention in one body hence a more ripped well defined exterior.


Mesterolone is very efficient in preventing gynecomastia, abnormal enlargement of mammary glands and also referred to as man boobs resulting from high estrogen levels during steroid cycle. By reducing estrogen levels by up to 97%, anastrozole is an effective aromatase inhibitor that allows for a stable hormonal background. It also helps lower levels of estrogen, which in-turn allows the production of more anabolic hormones such as testosterone and provides better support for muscle growth. Lower estrogen issues reduce water retention and bloating which gives a leaner, crisper muscular look. What's more, reduced estrogen is also good since it can prevent high blood pressure and thus promote healthy cardiovascular health. The same time the effect of mesterolone is so strong that taking it can quickly counteract suppression while ensuring proper testicular function and maintaining endogenous testosterone production.


Powered to be 1oth of a unit per shot. In general, 12.5 to 25 mg a day are recommended.

Possible side effects:

Mesterolone is successful in the treatment of a situation where guy breast area increases, commonly referred to as gynecomastia because of high levels involving estrogen by means of steroid hormone never-ending cycle. Being a potent aromatase inhibitor arimidex reduces the estrogen inside of 97% in your body that helps to maintain hormonal balance. It reduces estrogen thus it boosts the production of anabolic hormones like testosterone which in turn facilitates muscle growth and development. Less estrogen, less water retention and smaller muscle between the skin. Sometimes if we have peak estrogen in balance cycle then you will appear puffiness. It could also enhance coronary heart well being that mean avoiding excessive blood strain related illness as a result of reduced estrogen content material. It keeps the balance of estrogen levels so that this does not stop male sex hormone production.

Combination with other medications:

The truth that one could add mesterolone for the testosterone, was probably a good way to solve the actual androgenic unwanted side effects with out risking estrogenic uncomfortable side effects dependent from this since mesterolone is an anti-estrogen agent. That way they are preventing themselves from missing many of those main anabolic effects that come directly from trenbolone by itself but at the same time some others as long as all combined would balance out a handful of potential negative ways (such low sex drive or even depression related symptoms for example) if consequently used together thus leading to extend synergistic effect and with no much involvement associated with too high levels involving manliness.

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