Testosterone TNE (Base)

Quick Overview

TESTOSTERONE BASE  Manufacturer: Euro-Pharmacies   Category: Injection   Dose and quantity: 50 mg/ml   Package:15 ml vial   Form: Liquid   Active Substance: Oily Solution   Active Half-Life:12 hours   ...
75.00 €
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Manufacturer: Euro-Pharmacies  

Category: Injection  

Dose and quantity: 50 mg/ml  

Package:15 ml vial  

Form: Liquid  

Active Substance: Oily Solution  

Active Half-Life:12 hours  

Classification: AAS  

Dosage:50-200 mg/EOD  

Water retention: No  

Aromatisation: No  


Info: Euro-Pharmacies' new Testosterone base fixes the issues that came up with the water-solution, such as sores and irritation at the spot. Oil is used to make it, so it's easy to mix with other chemicals. Its longer half-life also means that it can be injected every other day. It can be taken before a workout, as a TRT, to begin a cycle, or to slow down during the steps after a cycle, among other things.


It burns fat, gives you more energy, and is good for your health in general. People who use it quickly get bigger and stronger, and their muscles get thicker as they grow in a healthy way. It makes you stronger physically and sexually, and it works well with Cialis or EP Viagra. It also makes you stronger and more motivated. Testosterone also changes the way your body looks and how hungry you feel.


The dose range is 50 to 200 mg every other day (EOD), but this can be changed to fit each person.


Side effects related to oestrogen can happen, like water buildup and gynecomastia. Drugs that block aromatase or SERMs can be used to reduce these. A lot of men who take androgenic drugs end up with acne, oily skin, and male pattern baldness. Natural testosterone production can be slowed down by PCT. This can make the testicles smaller and less sperm be made, which is why PCT is important. Some people feel different when they take it, and if you use it too much or for too long, it may be hard on your liver.


Testosterone and Dbol or Drol work well together to make cycles or blasts stronger. Metanienone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone, and Oxymetholone all work well with it for boosting cycles. When cutting, it works well with Oxandrolone or Stanozolol. There are times when it can be mixed with Boldenone undecylenate or Methenolone enanthate.


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