Test C 250

Quick Overview

Test C 250   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma Category: Injection Dose and quantity: 200 mg/ml Package: 10ml vial Form: Liquid Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate Active Half-Life: 8 days Classification: AAS Dosage: 250-500 mg a week Water retention: Yes Aromat ...
41.75 $
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Test C 250

Manufacturer: Unique Pharma

Category: Injection

Dose and quantity: 200 mg/ml

Package: 10ml vial

Form: Liquid

Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate

Active Half-Life: 8 days

Classification: AAS

Dosage: 250-500 mg a week

Water retention: Yes

Aromatization: Yes


Information: Testosterone Cypionate manufactured by Unique Pharma is a synthetic version of the male hormone testosterone, formulated to supplement or substitute naturally occurring testosterone in individuals with low levels. It is commonly prescribed by healthcare providers to address conditions like hypogonadism and certain hormonal imbalances. Testosterone Cypionate aids in the development and upkeep of masculine characteristics, bone density, muscle mass, and red blood cell production.


Increased Muscle Mass: Testosterone Cypionate potentially boosts protein synthesis, leading to augmented muscle size and strength.

Improved Recovery: It aids in muscle recovery by fostering the repair and regeneration of muscle tissue, facilitating quicker recovery between workouts.

Enhanced Bone Density: Testosterone contributes to bone health and density, crucial for overall strength and longevity.

Increased Red Blood Cell Production: Testosterone stimulates red blood cell production, potentially enhancing oxygen delivery to muscles and improving endurance.

Libido and Sexual Function: Supplementation with Testosterone Cypionate may address issues like low libido and erectile dysfunction stemming from low testosterone levels.

Mood and Well-being: Adequate testosterone levels are linked to better mood and well-being, countering mood swings, fatigue, and irritability in individuals with low levels.

Fat Distribution: Testosterone influences fat distribution, potentially aiding in maintaining a leaner body composition.

Hair Growth: Elevated testosterone levels could contribute to body and facial hair growth.

Adverse Effects:

It's important to acknowledge that the effects of Testosterone Cypionate can vary depending on genetics, lifestyle, dosage, and administration method. Possible side effects and risks include:

Cardiovascular Risks: Elevated testosterone levels may increase the risk of cardiovascular issues such as high blood pressure and heart problems.

Hormonal Imbalances: Improper use can disrupt natural hormonal balance, leading to negative health consequences.

Acne and Skin Issues: Increased testosterone levels can exacerbate skin problems like acne and oily skin.

Testicular Atrophy: Long-term use may shrink the testicles due to suppressed natural testosterone production.

Gynecomastia: Elevated testosterone levels may elevate estrogen levels, potentially causing breast tissue growth in males.

Dosage and Duration:

Dosages vary based on medical condition, purpose of use, and medical guidance. Athletes typically administer 250-500 mg per week, with a cycle duration not exceeding three months.

Combination with Other Drugs:

Combining Testosterone Cypionate with other substances like Anabolic Steroids, Anti-Estrogens, Human Growth Hormone, PCT Drugs, or Performance-Enhancing Drugs can have diverse effects.

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