Ultima Cut Mix 150

Quick Overview

Ultima Cut Mix 150   Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals  Category: Injection  Dose and quantity: 150 mg/ml Package: 10 ml/vial Form: Liquid Active Substance: Drost P 50 mg, Test P 50 mg, Tren A 50 mg Active Half-Life: 2-3 days Classification: AAS Dosage: ...
109.00 €
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Ultima Cut Mix 150

Manufacturer: Ultima Pharmaceuticals 
Category: Injection 
Dose and quantity: 150 mg/ml
Package: 10 ml/vial
Form: Liquid
Active Substance: Drost P 50 mg, Test P 50 mg, Tren A 50 mg
Active Half-Life: 2-3 days
Classification: AAS
Dosage: 150-750 mg a week
Water retention: No
Aromatization: Yes
Info: Cut Mix 150 is a blend of three potent steroids: Drostanolone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, and Testosterone Propionate. Drostanolone Propionate operates similarly to testosterone in the body but with some unique characteristics. Trenbolone Acetate does not convert into estrogen and falls into a category of potent compounds with high anabolic effects. Its duration of action is relatively short, usually spanning 1-2 days. Testosterone Propionate is an ester of the testosterone hormone, similar to other esters like Cypionate or Enanthate.


Muscle Gain: The combination of these steroids promotes the development of lean muscle mass. Drostanolone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate are renowned for their strong anabolic properties, aiding in muscle building and preservation.
Strength Improvement: These compounds lead to substantial gains in strength, which is advantageous for lifting heavier weights and enhancing overall athletic performance.
Fat Reduction: The components in the mix, especially Drostanolone Propionate, are known for boosting fat loss by increasing metabolism and enhancing muscle definition, making it valuable during cutting phases.
Muscle Definition: Bodybuilders often use Cut Mix 150 to achieve a more sculpted and defined physique. Drostanolone, in particular, provides a hard, dry appearance to muscles.
Faster Recovery: The anabolic effects of these steroids result in quicker recovery between workouts, enabling more frequent and intense training sessions.
Nitrogen Retention: Trenbolone Acetate, in particular, enhances nitrogen retention in muscles, creating an ideal environment for muscle growth.
Protein Synthesis: These compounds improve protein synthesis, crucial for muscle repair and growth.
Libido and Well-Being: Testosterone Propionate helps maintain healthy testosterone levels, contributing to overall well-being, improved mood, and a healthy libido.
Shorter Detection Time: Cut Mix 150's components have shorter detection times in drug tests compared to some other steroids, reducing the risk of detection in competitive sports.

Adverse Effects:

Cardiovascular Concerns: Cut Mix 150, especially Trenbolone, can have adverse effects on cardiovascular health, potentially increasing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart diseases.
Androgenic Side Effects: These steroids can lead to androgenic side effects like acne, oily skin, increased facial or body hair growth, and, in predisposed individuals, male pattern baldness.
Hormonal Imbalance: The use of these steroids can disrupt the body's natural hormonal balance, leading to testicular shrinkage, reduced sperm production, and fertility problems in males. In females, it can cause irregular menstrual cycles and masculine trait development.
Mood Changes: Steroid use, including Cut Mix 150, can affect mood, resulting in mood swings, increased irritability, and even aggression, often referred to as "roid rage."
Liver Stress: While these specific steroids may have a lower hepatic impact compared to others, prolonged or excessive use can stress the liver and potentially lead to damage or dysfunction.
Kidney Strain: These compounds can strain the kidneys, potentially causing kidney problems over time.
Gynecomastia: Trenbolone, in particular, can cause hormonal imbalances leading to the development of breast tissue in males (gynecomastia).
Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances: Some users experience difficulty sleeping or insomnia as a side effect of these steroids.

Dosage and Duration: 

Beginners may start with a weekly dose of approximately 150-300 milligrams of Cut Mix 150, divided into two or three injections. Advanced bodybuilders with experience in anabolic steroids may use higher doses, ranging from 500-750 milligrams or more per week.
During the cycle, it's essential to monitor for adverse effects, and regular blood tests can help assess their impact on health markers such as liver function, lipid profiles, and hormonal balance.

Combination with Other Substances: 

Cut Mix 150 can be combined with other substances like stacking steroids, ancillary medications, performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), and health and wellness supplements.

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