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  • EU Domestic 2
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  • EU Domestic 3
    From this warehouse, it is possible to order products to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia (Hrvatska), Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, United Kingdom
    Minimum order amount: 100.00€
  • USA Domestic
    From this warehouse, it is possible to order products to the following countries: United States of America (Domestic)
    Minimum order amount: 100.00€
Advanced Cardio

60.00 €

42.00 €
Albuterol   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

52.50 €
ANADROL Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 25 mg/tablet Packaging: 100 tablets Form: Tablets Active agent: Oxymetholone Drug half-life: ~9 hours Category: AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids) Dosage: 50-150 mg/day   Info: Anadrol, produced by prime pharmaceuticals is a potent anabolic steroid designed to promote muscle growth and strength. Bodybuilders and athletes are among the leading consumers of this powerful product, which has made quite a buzz for people trying to gain more muscle weight as soo ...

52.00 €

49.00 €
Anavar   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

52.50 €
ANAVAR Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 10 mg/tablet Packaging: 100 tablets Form: Tablets Active agent: Oxandrolone Drug half-life: ~9-12 hours Category: AAS (anabolic androgenic steroids) Dosage: 30-80 mg/day   Information: When you aim for a shredded appearance yet gain good quality muscle at the same time, then anavar also known as oxandrolone is your best bet. Your lean muscle mass is all the same thing as your stamina, when you take this medication. Hence, it is possible to flaunt that diffi ...

45.00 €
ARIMIDEX Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 1 mg/tablet Packaging: 50 tablets Form: Tablets Active agent: anastrozole Drug half-life: ~46 hour Category: aromatase inhibitor Dosage: 0.5 to 1 mg/every two days   Information: The best armortized to use for every hormone in control is armidex, and it also called anastrozole. Armidex, by stopping their synthesis work against their creation and as such growths which nobody wanted are kept in control. Among sport and bodybuilding people arimidex ...
Arimidex (100 Tab)

44.00 €
Arimidex   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

52.50 €
AROMASIN Producer: prime pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Dosage: 10 mg/tablet Packaging: 100 tablets Form: tablets Active agent: exemestane Half-life: ~24 hours Category: aromatase inhibitor Dosage: 25 to 75 mg/day   Information: Aromasin is the brand name for exemestane, a prescription medication used to treat hormone receptor-positive breast cancer in postmenopausal women. One of the medications that stop estrogen production are a class called aromatase inhibitors, and aromisin is one example. Estrogen deprivation in ...
Aromasin (50 Tab)

44.00 €
Aromasin   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

45.00 €
CLOMID Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Dosage: 25 Mg/Tablet Packaging: 100 Tablets Form: Tablet Active Agent: Clomiphene Half-Life: ~5-7 Days Category: Aas (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) Dosage: 50-200 mg/day   Information: Clomid is an awesome drug and absolutely ideal for bodybuilders as it combats the side effects of using steroids. So basically, in power sports meathead circles: it was evidence of an estrogen receptor blocker (or at least acceptor?), and selectively did so without messing with that ...
Cardio Agent

38.00 €
Cialis (100 Tab)

45.00 €
Cialis   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
Cialix (Tadafil)

48.00 €
Cialix (Tadalafil) ...

40.00 €
Clenbuterox (40 mcg)

47.00 €
Clomid (100 Tab)

42.00 €
Clomid   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
Clomixin (Clomid)

45.00 €

39.00 €
Dianabol   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

45.00 €
DIANABOL Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Dosage: 10 mg/table Packaging: 100 Tablets Form: Tablets Active Agent: Methandienone Half-life: ~6-8 hours Category: AAS (Anabolic Androgenic Steroids) Dosage: 20-80 mg/day   Information: Dianabol is the supercharged version of testosterone, or dbol as it's simply called. This is a type of drug that encourages the body to grow well beyond its wildest aspirations. This leads to better performance and more in the nature of a lifelong gain, improving your physical a ...
Exemestanex (Aromasin)

62.00 €
Femara (100 Tab)

42.00 €
Femara   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

42.00 €
Finasteride   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

74.00 €
Halotestin   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

45.00 €
LETROZOLE Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 2.5 mg/tablet Packaging: 50 tablets Form: Tablets Bioactive Agent: Letrozole Half-life: ~48 hours Category: Aromatase Inhibitor Dose: 0.5-2.5 mg/day   Information: Letrozole is a prescription drug and should used as medicine only. Think of it as a bouncer at a party except that this one fends off estrogen — the hormone tied to some breast cancers. So, what is letrozole? This particular aromatase inhibitor halts estrogen production in the body; nec ...
Letrozolexin (Letrozole)

58.00 €
Methandionex 10 (Dianabol)

35.00 €
Methyl-tren 1mg

48.00 €
Methyl-tren 1mg   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

45.00 €
NOLVADEX Manufacturer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 10 mg/tablet Packaging: 100 tablets Form: Tablets Bioactive Agent: Tamoxifen Half-life: ~5-7 days Category: AAS (Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids) Dosage: 20-40 mg/day   Information: There are no signs of abuse when it comes to the use anabolic steroids, then your best option would be nolvadex. It may be used by athletes at any point of the post-cycle therapy (pct) starting and ending a steroid cycle. It addresses estrogen issues and offers other benefit ...
Nolvadex (100 Tab)

39.00 €
Nolvadex   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
Oxandrolex 10 (Anavar)

66.00 €
Oxymetholex (Anadrol)

50.00 €

46.00 €
Oxymetholone   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
Prime Stack

60.00 €
PRIME STACK Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 100 mg/tablet Packaging: 30 Tablets Form: Tablets Bioactive agent: n/a Half-life: ~9 hours Category: Fat Burner Dosage: 100-200 mg/day   Information: Prime stack a realistic approach to the best fat burner! Prime stack was developed to help you shed that additional fat. This formula is composed with the advantages that are beneficial for you in your weight loss process. When losing weight, your safety is the primary concern and with this supplement on ...
Promotes Rest (MK2866)

45.00 €
 Promote Rest (MK2866) Producer: EuroPharmacies Type: SARM Unit Dosage: 20mg/tab Pack: 50 tabs Form: Tablet Bioactive Agent: MK2866 (Octarine) Dosage: 12 tablets a day Active Time: 24 hours   Info: It changes how recovery and growth support work when you take EurooPharmacies Super recovery (MK677). You can get stronger and heal faster this way. Sporty people and bodybuilders from all over the world use it because it helps people slowly gain lean muscle mass. In 12 weeks, people who eat right and work out should have gained more than 10 pound ...

60.00 €
PROVIRON Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 25 mg/tablet Packaging: 100 tablets Form: tablets Bioactive Agent: Mesterolone Half-life: ~12 hours Category: anabolic-androgenic steroids (aas) Dosage: 25-75 mg/day   Information: Proviron reduces the ability of muscle oestrogen receptors to bind with oestrogens. This decrease the levels of active estrogen on cycling doses. It also affects the aromatase enzyme which as a result preventing it from binding to testosterone hence reduced oestrogen productio ...
Proviron (100 tab)

49.00 €
Proviron   Category: Oral ...
Provixin (Proviron)

65.00 €
Salbutamolex (Salbutamol)

37.00 €

48.00 €
Sibutramine   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
Stanozolex 10 (Winstrol)

39.00 €
T3 (Cytomel)

45.00 €
T3 (CYTOMEL) Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Unit dosage: 25 µg/tablet Packaging: 100 tablets Form: Tablets Bioactive Agent: Triiodothyronine Half-life: ~5 days Category: Synthetic Thyroid Hormone Dosage: 100-200 µg/day   Information: Hypothyroidism is due to an underactive thyroid gland which makes doctors prescribe t3 cytomel and its a synthetic form of the natural thyroid hormone that works very swift than most. In the world of fitness, it is said that this medication also aids in weight redu ...
T3 - 50mcg

43.00 €
T3  Producer: Euro-Pharmacies  Type: Oral  Unit Dosage: 50 mcg/pill  Packaging: 50 tablets  Form: Oral  Bioactive Agent: Liothyronine sodium  Drug Half-Life: 5-7 hours  Category: Thyroid Hormone  Dosage: 25-100 mcg per day  Water Retention: No  Aromatization: No    Info: A thyroid hormone called triiodothyronine (T3) helps the body grow and keep its metabolism going. It's not stuck on T4. You can rename it. It sp ...
T4 (100 Tab)

38.00 €
T4   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
T4 (50 mcg)

55.00 €
T4 Manufacturer: Euro-Pharmacies Category: Oral Dose and quantity: 50 mcg/pill Package: 50 Tablets Form: Oral Active Substance:  Levothyroxine Sodium Active Half-Life: 5-7 days Classification: Thyroid hormone Dosage:  12.5-125 mcg/day Water retention: No Aromatization: No Info: You read that right. Our thyroid gland makes T4, which is also known as thyroxine. Every day, it makes a lot of important things happen in our bodies. T4 gives us energy, keeps our bodies at the right temperature ...
Tamotex (Tamoxifen)

45.00 €
Tamotex  Producer: Euro-Pharmacies Type: Oral  Unit dosage: 20 mcg/pill  Pack: 50 tablets  Form: Oral  Bioactive agent: Tamoxifen Citrate  Drug Half-Life: 5-7 days  Division: SERM  Intake: 10/30 mg a day  Fluid buildup: No  Aromatisation: No    Info:  AstraZeneca was the first company to make tamoxifen citrate, which is used to treat breast cancer in women and impotence. But it's useful for more than what it was ...

39.00 €
Turinabol   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...
Viagra (100 Tab)

45.00 €
Viagra   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

39.00 €
Winstrol   Manufacturer: Unique Pharma ...

45.00 €
WINSTROL Producer: Prime Pharmaceuticals Type: Oral Dosage: 10 mg/tablet Packaging: 100 tablets Form: tablets Active Agent: Stanozolol Half-life: ~4-5 hours Category: AAS (Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids) Dose: 20-60 mg/day   Information: Winstrol (stanozolol) vs Anavar for Cutting: Most often bodybuilders prefer using Winstrol than Anavar when planning to cut. This is because of its fat burning reputation. Winstrol 10 mg is relatively new version of this product and can be easily purchased by the user. The yellow tablets ...

Steroids oral for athletes

We offer a wide range of certified and well-known steroids to help you improve performance, muscle building and overall physical condition to achieve maximum results in fitness, sports and bodybuilding.

Legal oral steroids are safe and legal drugs that are designed to help you reach your fitness goals without risking your health or breaking the rules. They provide unique benefits to optimize your training program and achieve maximum results.

The benefits of legal oral steroids include:
  1. Muscle Gain: Legal steroids promote protein synthesis in the body, which helps build muscle and improve muscle recovery after workouts.
  2. Improved endurance and energy: The use of legal oral steroids allows you to increase the level of energy and endurance, which allows you to conduct more intense workouts and achieve better results.
  3. Accelerated Fat Burning: Some legal steroids help to activate the metabolism, which contributes to the effective burning of fat and reduction of subcutaneous fat.
  4. Increased Nitrogen Balance: This process promotes protein retention in the body, which promotes more efficient muscle recovery and growth.
  5. Improved response to training: Legal oral steroids help increase your sensitivity to training, making your training program more effective.
  6. Increase testosterone levels: Some legal steroids stimulate an increase in testosterone levels, which helps increase energy and improve overall physical condition.
In addition, our world steroids provide the opportunity to choose exactly those drugs that suit your fitness goals and individual needs. We offer crazy combinations that will help you maximize the results of your training program and achieve maximum effect.

Why buy legal steroids from us?

Forget about the risks of illegal steroids, and choose approved and certified products that will ensure your health and great results. Our legal oral steroids are a sure way to success in your fitness journey. Do you need a powerful and efficient tool to achieve your ideal shape? Then choose legal oral steroids and achieve your goals with confidence and safety.


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